Thursday, 21 March 2013


Wow, so this week has probably been one of the most hectic yet this year. Not even that much has happened , only my birthday, a script concert and the most coursework deadlines to date. So sorry for being a horrendously sporadic, please just enjoy my pictures instead.

  A Card from one of my best friends in York // Lovely chocolates // Waiting // My Final Art Piece, finally completed! // The Script // My cake, made by my fantastic mother

I have a few interesting posts planned in the next couple of weeks, I cannot wait until exams are over so I can start blogging properly again! Hope you are all having lovely weeks,


p.s: I got instagram with the arrival of my new phone, it'd be lovely if yo could follow me @annieoliviapoole


  1. Deer Ani, uponn wytnesing this great masterpees witch meyd mee crai 4 ours, ai hav naw reeulaised that mai laiff is meeningles...

  2. (Really amazing painting, Annie!!)
